Eye Laser Laser Eye Surgery, Femtolasik, Femtosecond

Laser, Lasik, Cataract Surgery, Turkey, Antalya

There are two methods of laser eye surgery; LASIK and LASEK, both of which may be enhanced with wavefront, a procedure that tailors your treatment to the minute specifications of your eyes. LASIK and LASEK are highly effective procedures that are suitable for most low, moderate and high prescriptions.


The laser eye surgery treatment that's right for you will depend on your suitability and unique requirements, which will be established during your free consultation.


LASIK (Laser-Assisted-In-Situ-Keratomileusis) eye surgery comprises two computer-guided, cool lasers. The first creates a protective layer to allow your surgeon access to the cornea beneath the surface of your eye, the second to correct your vision.


LASEK (Laser-Assisted-Epithelial-Keratomileusis) is similar, however only one laser is used to correct your vision, after the surgeon has temporarily folded aside a thin layer of cells to allow access to the cornea.


Both can be enhanced with wavefront, advanced technology that maps and assesses the distinct characteristic of your eyes more precisely than standard treatment.


iLASIK Laser Eye Surgery 

iLASIK is a laser eye surgery treatment for both short sighted and long sighted people (and those with astigmatism). Premium iLASIK treatment with wavefront technology powered by iDesign is also available.


LASEK Laser Eye Surgery 

LASEK is a laser eye surgery treatment for people with short sightedness, long sightedness and astigmatism and is used mostly on thin or flat corneas. Premium LASEK treatment with wavefront technology powered by iDesign is also available.

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