Penis thickening to Antalya, Turkey

Generally about the treatment

Most men have had thoughts regarding the size of their penis at one time or another in their life, and to the surprise of some, the majority of men are even unhappy with the length, width, or thickness of their penis.


Men, who suffer from low self esteem, due to the size of their penis, will usually be referred to a psychologist, but if this doesn't help solve their problem, surgery may seem like the only solution.


It is important to note, that penile widening surgery only increases the width of the penis in its flaccid condition, and that it usually doesn't add much of a noticeable difference when erect. You must also be aware, that the result of penile widening surgery varies a lot from patient to patient.



Men over the age of 18, who've had counselling regarding their problem, and who still see the surgery as being the only solution for them.


Penile enlarging surgery is generally an operation without significant results, especially when taking into consideration the risks of damaging the appearance or function of the penis, and should only be carried out on those, who see no other solution.


The Free Fat Transfer method

The Free Fat Transfer method is the most commonly used of the two, and involves transferring the patient's own fat from part of their body and then injecting it into the penis. The fat is usually extracted from the abdominal region, using liposuction, and is then cleaned, dried, and injected into the skin, underneath the shaft of the penis.


When the fat is injected, it will cause the penis to stretch as much as possible, and it will then remain in its full-length condition even when flaccid. The penis will then be wrapped in securely, in order to prevent it from moving. This is important for the outcome.


After the fat has been injected, it will start to look for a new blood supply, as this is essential in order for the fat to settle in the new area. Otherwise the body will simply absorb the fat again.



Through a small incision on each side of the shaft, these strips of skin are then inserted on each side of the penis, after which the surgeon will close the incisions, using dissolvable sutures (stitches).



The surgery for Free Fat Transfer can be carried out under local anaesthesia, whereas the Dermis-fat Graft operation will be done under general anaesthesia.



In some cases, lumps of fat may occur on the penis, if the fat hasn't adjusted properly.


Risk of complications

Erections may turn more horizontal rather than vertical, or the penis may develop an abnormal shape.


There is a risk of loss of sensation in the penis, as well as impotence.


There is a risk of side effects from the anaesthetic used, along with bleeding, poor wound healing, a poor cosmetic result, and blood accumulation.


No form of surgery is risk free, although severe complications are very rare.


Healing and recovery

Most patients will be able to resume work within the following week.


Strenuous activities should be avoided throughout the following month after surgery. Any sexual activities can be resumed after 6 weeks or so.


It is important to maintain a good hygiene. Showering of the area should be carried out daily, and without the use of soap.


Duration of the result

The duration of the Free Fat Transfer method is uncertain. Some patients experience a loss of over half of the injected fat, whereas for others 90 % of the fat remains. It is also possible that 100 % of the injected fat will be absorbed by the body over time.


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