Hair Transplant Manavgat Side, Turkey

Hair restoration surgery has become very popular in recent years, partly driven by improvements in outcomes and partly because of increased awareness about the safety of the surgery. 


Hair restoration surgery is a very surgeon dependent surgery and it is of paramount importance to pick the right surgeon. It is also a unique surgery because we have to deal with a very limited number of hair follicles to give an illusion of more hair.



Most micro-hair transplant procedures (individual hair micrograft restorations) use local anesthesia and are performed on an outpatient basis. Other procedures such as flap surgery, require general anesthesia and are performed in a surgical setting. After approximately six weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out and be replaced about three months later when the new hair grows in. To achieve sufficient density, several sessions may be required. Transplantation is a progressive process requiring hundreds of micro-grafts, each of which will generally contain from one to three hairs mini-grafted from a donor site on the side or back of the head. They are randomly implanted in the bald (or thinning) area so that they will grow in a natural pattern and produce an undetectable result.



Procedure is permanent. Once the transplant procedures are complete, there is no further necessity for surgery.

Restores a natural, more youthful, and vigorous look, with potentially positive psychological effects, such as a boost in confidence.

Less expensive than other hair-loss treatments, when factored over time.


Other Considerations:

Must have availability of healthy hair in donor areas of adequate density. May be combined with other surgical procedures in patients with larger areas of baldness.

Time-consuming process that may require multiple sessions over 1 to 2 years.

Procedure involves some degree of minor discomfort, bruising and swelling.

There may be numbness around the donor or recipient site, which generally disappears within 2 to 3 months.

Several days are required before normal activities can be resumed.

Patient should not have unrealistic expectations about the nature and extent of transplanted hair growth. Individual hair characteristics, such as coarseness and curl, can affect the possible density of transplanted hair.

Survival of transplanted hair is not always predictable.

Do you have any questions?


Mobile phone:  +90 531 421 40 02

Eyebrow Transplant Manavgat Side, Turkey

In our practice we deal exclusively with Hair and Eyebrow Restoration. We believe that in order to achieve the best results it requires a singular focus, and for that reason we do not perform any other cosmetic procedures. About 1/3 of our hair transplant patients are eyebrow transplant procedures. Our goal is to achieve a completely natural result with as much density as possible. We feel these goals are best achieved when the eyebrow transplant treatment plan is individualized.

There are many factors that must be taken into account with each eyebrow transplant patient before formulating the optimal treatment plan. Some questions to ask before your procedure: The reason for the lack of eyebrow hair? Are the weak eyebrows secondary to genetic factors, over-plucking, or some underlying medical condition? The patient’s facial anatomy, age, the hair-to-skin color contrast, caliber and character of the hair, and amount of eyebrow hair present, are all important factors to take into account and understand in formulating a customized treatment plan.

Do you have any questions?


Mobile phone:  +90 531 421 40 02

Beard hair transplant, Manavgat Side,  Turkey

Beard hair transplant is a procedure used to increase the density of beard or rather it is a procedure that restores hair because the hair is either thin or missing from the skin. It is an increasingly common trend among men. Just like this one, other examples of facial hair transplant include moustache, goatee, sideburn and eyebrows transplant. The results of these procedures highly depend on the skill of the surgeon carrying out the procedure. This transplant is lately the only permanent solution for a person with scarce facial hair, facial scars or patchiness. Many men are opting for this procedure because for many different cultures, facial hair has been perceived as an outward sign of masculinity and prestige. They are also following this trend because it enhances versatility that is, they can change their look whenever they like.


Things you should know before having a beard hair transplant


 You can also dictate how you want your new beard to look. For the procedure to be a success, it is good to know that you will have to sacrifice some hair from either the back or side of your scalp. Additionally, you should know that the transplanted hair falls out later but grows again after a few months. There is also a probability of you having to take a sick day; the procedure takes some hours but does not require another round. Another exciting thing to know about the procedure is that it actually works and will surely boost your confidence. Finally, you should know that you cannot be a beard donor because it is very hard to find a perfect hair match.

Do you have any questions?


Mobile phone:  +90 531 421 40 02

Team Antalya

Team Manavgat - Side


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